UC Career Center

Career Center Universitas Ciputra
Monday, 20 May 2024
Sekolah Pelita Harapan
Sekolah Pelita Harapan (SPH) is a group of five International Christian schools located in the heart of Indonesia- the megapolitan city of Jakarta. As one of Indonesia’s leading Christian international schools, SPH provides high-quality, holistic education that goes beyond education. Since 1993, SPH has committed to providing both Indonesian and expatriate families with excellent Christian education, where we focus on academic excellence, faith, character building, and personal growth. More than a school facility or a regular workplace, SPH is a community, a team, walking hand in hand in our ministry through international Christian education with our faith in Christ as our foundation.

Jl. Boulevard Palem Raya No.2500, Klp. Dua, Kec. Klp. Dua, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15810
Kabupaten Tangerang , Banten
1. Career Counsellor 27 hari
3. Design Lead 27 hari
4. Marketing Associate 27 hari
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