UC Career Center

Career Center Universitas Ciputra
Friday, 10 May 2024
Ciputra Golf, Club & Resto
Kota Surabaya, Indonesia
Industri :
Posisi yang dibuka: 2
Total seluruh posisi: 5
Posted : 26 April 2024 16:00 WIB22 hari
Kategori Posisi : Umum
0 Pelamar

Ciputra Golf, Club & Resto adalah perusahaan yang memiliki Lapangan golf dengan 27 Hole, Family Club dan Resto. Lokasi kami berada di CitraLand Surabaya dan merupakan salah satu Lapangan Golf terbesar dan terpopuler di Surabaya, dan sering menjadi tempat diselenggarakannya turnamen golf baik secara nasional maupun internasional.


1. Preferably having at least 2 years of experience in digital marketing 

2. Familiar with google ads and analytics

3. Preferably having a google ads certificate

4. Excellent Copywriting skills 

5. excellent communication skills

6. Creative and product minded

7. Able to work with a team or individually

Jenjang : Diploma
Prodi : Semua Prodi
IPK : 0
Pengalaman : 2 tahun

1. Preferably having at least 2 years of experience in digital marketing 

2. Familiar with google ads and analytics

3. Preferably having a google ads certificate

4. Excellent Copywriting skills 

5. excellent communication skills

6. Creative and product minded

7. Able to work with a team or individually

Level Masuk : Middle Level
Jumlah : 2 orang
Penempatan : Citraland - Surabaya
Tipe Kerja : Penuh Waktu / Full Time
Job deskipsi :

1. Generating new and innovative contect for social media and website 

2. Updateing and maintaining all of the social media and using it as a platform to connect with customers

3. Analyzing the ROI of online campaigns

4. Improving search engine rankings

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