UC Career Center

Career Center Universitas Ciputra
Monday, 06 May 2024
Quality Assurance - Code Review (QUQ-ITD)
PT Artajasa Pembayaran Elektronis
Kabupaten Tangerang, Indonesia
Industri :
Semua Industri
Posisi yang dibuka: 0
Total seluruh posisi: 5
Posted : 27 January 2022 00:00 WIBtutup
Kategori Posisi : Umum
0 Pelamar
Jenjang : Sarjana/S1
Prodi : Semua Prodi
IPK : 0
  1. Friendly, discipline and tough personality
  2. Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or Electrical Engineer, or equivalent experience
  3. Knowledge and experience in programming language(s) such as Java, Go or PHP
  4. Having knowledge in scurity, logic, source code review and or white box testing is preferable
  5. Familiarity with test automation
  6. Strong knowledge of and demonstrated experience in identifying and documenting test cases, creating test plans
  7. Having knowledge on software testing of web applications, mobile devices and payment gateway application
  8. Strong understanding on testing tool, database, operating system, APls, CI/CD and git version control
  9. Must be able to conduct presentations in group settings in a professional and couteous manner
  10. Strong communication, and interpersonal skills are must
  11. Experience with agile software development is preferred
  12. Must be able to learn new and emerging concepts very quickly
  13. Must be able to maintain good productivity in developing test plans and manual and automated test cases
Level Masuk : Entry Level
Tipe Kerja : Penuh Waktu / Full Time
Job deskipsi : Areas of Responsibility:
  1. Develops, maintain and organize automated or manual test cases for execution
  2. Review documented test cases and identifies for automation opportunities and user acceptance criteria changes
  3. Maintains and develops automated test framework
  4. Creates robust test suites derived from product requrements, risk assessment, platform and configuration
  5. Maintains organization and structure of test suite library
  6. Test Coordination/Execution
  7. Performs analysis of project acceptance criteria and requirements
  8. Conducts Ad Hoc and experienc based testing
  9. Defect Reporting/Tracking
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