Career and Alumni Development

Pusat Pengembangan Karir dan Alumni Universitas Ciputra
Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025
Renjana Cashew
Renjana Cashew
Kota Surabaya, Indonesia
Industri :
Produk Konsumen
Posisi yang dibuka: 0
Total seluruh posisi: 19
Posted : 01 August 2024 12:00 WIBtutup
3 Pelamar

Renjana is an Indonesian coated cashew snack with premium flour and flavored with various unique flavors. We use whole cashew nuts as the main ingredient of our product. Our Flavored Roasted Coated Cashew Nuts are presented differently and uniquely compared to our competitors, i.e bigger size of nuts from Indonesia, crunchy texture, and specially crafted flavors. The cashew nuts are accumulated fairly and carefully by Indonesian farmers.

We use "Renjana" as our brand name, Renjana (ren jaina/ n) = rasa hati yang kuat (rindu, cinta kasih, berahi, dan sebagainya)= a strong affection (refers to longing, love, or lust); passion. Renjana describes the passion of our local farmers to grow the cashew carefully to be loved and attract the international market's heart.

We are one of the best cashews in Surabaya that offers a luxurious and expensive feel. In the case of Renjana Cashew, our high price point resembles exclusivity, exquisitely-hospitality, contributing to its perception of exclusive quality and experience for our beloved customers as a fancy one. We love and are loved by our customers. We would also love you to join Renjana team.

  1. Masih kuliah/ fresh graduate.
  2. Usia 17-23 tahun.
  3. Berinisiatif tinggi.
  4. Berkeinginan belajar keahlian baru.
  5. Berpenampilan menarik.
Prodi : Semua Prodi
  1. Masih kuliah/Fresh Graduate.
  2. Berusia 17-23 tahun.
  3. Berkeinginan belajar keahlian baru.
  4. Memiliki kendaraan pribadi, bisa mobil atau motor.
  5. Memiliki skill ber-networking.
  6. Memiliki skill negosiasi.
  7. Berpenampilan menarik.
  8. Memiliki keinginan belajar hal baru.
  9. Memiliki confident dan semangat tinggi.
Level Masuk : Entry Level
Jumlah : 2 orang
Tipe Kerja : Magang / Internship
  • Kalau kalian join internship bareng Renjana, berikut kebahagiaan-kebahagiaannya
  1. Boss nya gaulz.
  2. Boleh ke toilet sepuasnya.
  3. Dapat gaji bulanan.
  4. Dapat pengalaman berharga.
  5. Dapat insight langsung mengenai tumbuh dan berkembangnya  business startup, yang lahir dari program entrepreneurship Universitas Ciputra.
  6. Lingkungan kerja yang “gen-z able”
  7. Kalau pekerjaan belum selesai bisa di-take home.
  8. Kalau sakit, boleh ijin WFH.
  9. Penuh dengan aktivitas bonding dengan team (contoh: game, nonton, olahraga bareng, dll)
    lokasi kerja di uc venture (Universitas Ciputra), dekat dengan makanan/cemilan).
  10. Apabila domisili di area Citraland, free antar jemput.
  11. Jam kerja fleksibel.

Ditulis Oleh Timothy Jason Lianto Dilihat 905 kali